
Monday, November 15, 2010

HLF Restoration Project Update

A further meeting of the Project implementation Group comprising of representatives of The Friends Group and DMBC was held on the 4 November.
The meeting was pleased to introduce Ian Baggott of CFP Associates who have been chosen to act as Project Managers for the work to be carried out.
The first stage includes the appointments of a Senior Park Ranger and Design Team, both to be in place by the end of January 2011.
The Future Skills team which formed a major part of the structure of the original Bid, unfortunately has funding for only a few more months, however it is understood that DMBC is looking into an alternative scheme which will continue the aspects of the FS work.
Temporary signage will also be erected as soon as possible.
FoPP would express their pleasure with the progress of the Bid to-date and look forward to its continuation.

Further updates to follow.