
Sunday, January 06, 2013

Major improvements in progress

I would not want to under-state how much things have already improved in Priory Park since the low in 2002, which was when Friends of Priory Park was formed, but it was hard work to get the Lottery Funding, and since then we have been eagerly waiting for the more significant improvements which were planned. Just before Christmas the stone carvings were installed by the Paganel Drive entrance by the Priory ruins, and they are now completely unveiled. At present they look rather bland, but I'd expect that they will look better after they have 'weathered' a bit, and those who know more about this than I do have confirmed that this should happen.

Now fencing has gone up around the old pavilion, and work is due to start within days on the long-awaited improvements to the building (though the main frontage will retain its character). This will probably be the most visible change in the park, but there are a lot of other changes which we can expect to see over the next few months.

Of course, it is important to recognise another change, namely that we now have Park Rangers - Lydia during the week and Mark at weekends. Their visible presence helps to ensure that the park is a better place to visit, and the activities which they organise and run are a real asset, as is the regular newsletter which is delivered to locals in paper form, and of course the information now available on the Dudley website and on Facebook - thanks Lydia and Mark. Finally, apologies for the lack of updates on the web site of late - down to idleness on my part, though also there hasn't been all that much new to report, at least that I was aware of. During the work on the pavilion I hope to photograph it every day, though I won't of course post the images here that frequently.